We have used published Forward Plans since 2007.  They set out our objectives, guide our activities and inform everyone about our church’s character and what we are trying to achieve. 

We consult widely in developing these plans and try to involve all our supporters in deciding what Carlops Church should do.  If you have ideas and would like to be involved, contact us at info@carlopschurch.org.

Our current Forward Plan was approved late in 2023.  It sets out policies and targets, assesses recent performance, and proposes activities for the next five to ten years.  It includes …

  1. Mission and objectives
  2. Our supporters
  3. The church building
  4. Finance
  5. Services and worship
  6. Serving the community  
  7. Caring for the environment
  8. Supporting charities
  9. Implementing the plan

Read the 2023 Forward plan

Our 2016 and 2007 plans are here